Perfect cs at 10 minutes. Hello everyone, I've decided that I would like to main ADC however I haven't played all that much of it as yet and would like some tips and some…It’s not about cs/min but rather how much gold you’re accumulating relative to others. Perfect cs at 10 minutes

Hello everyone, I've decided that I would like to main ADC however I haven't played all that much of it as yet and would like some tips and some…It’s not about cs/min but rather how much gold you’re accumulating relative to othersPerfect cs at 10 minutes MF is a good champ to cs after a few levels in because of her passive(low base ad tho)

The maximum possible creep score at 22 minutes is 266 minions. Understanding the Importance of Last Hitting. Wave management can save your life, help you get kills, and of course- increase your CS score. 2) learn to CS, if you have perfect CS at 10 minutes (114 cs which is around 3200 gold) you can get your mythic without having a single kill 3) respect the enemy jungle 4) learn to position properly in team fight so you can be as safe as possible while doing the most amount of damage. Shy_Elk. ago. 52cs at 5:35 for sidelanes is perfect 107 cs at 10 minutes is perfect. i think the absolute perfect number is 100 at 10 minutes counting all the minions in your own lane but you'll pretty much never get that. So perfect cs is 6. What is a perfect CS at 10 minutes? First and foremost, to get around 120 CS at 10 minutes (which is considered 'perfect') is not something most players if any hope to achieve in a real game. Business, Economics, and Finance. If you want to gain more mmr, try to get perfect cs. Usually at the 10th minute you should be at around 80 - 100 CS on your lane. Usually at the 10th minute you should be at around 80 – 100 CS on your lane. ago. For example, at 5:35 min, you should have 50 CS if you last-hitted perfectly – at 10 minutes you should have 100+ CS. Practically, 1 hero kill per minute people are losing. 380 at 40. The. You will simply go to lane and use only auto attacks to last hit for 10 minutes at a time. Calculating a good CS per minute depends on a number of factors. 5 minutes it actually doesn’t matter so much, the first 5 minutes can be a massive trade-fest or just trying to out-cs the other player. From Gold to Platinum, 8 CS/min is a good goal to hit. Start the game with a Commencing Stopwatch that cannot be used until it transforms into a Perfectly Timed Stopwatch after 14 minutes. If I’m in position to control the lane, I always have about 85-90 at ten minutes. Reply. You should aim for at least seven CS per minute, although a higher level will want to aim for 10 or more. Takedowns decrease the cooldown by 2 minutes. In between last hitting cs, harass the bot. On a side note, the theoretical max CS at 20 minutes would be. At plat I where I am, most ADCs hit 160-180 in 20 minutes. Long games I'll be around 9. The 10-Minute CS Challenge. All u need is use q when u cant reach a low health unit, automatically it will take it. tl;dr Bronze junglers farm too hard. Do you guys practice last…Even though they are a fucking pudge and leshrac against a fucking melee carry with a melee support they manage to allow the LC to farm 63 cs in 10 minutes while I have to deal with a bristleback constantly in my face spamming quill spray plus nature's prophet tping down to help gank so only get 42. It's very difficult to get 170+ in 20 minutes in most games. This score should be sustained throughout the entire match. According to this infographic, you're getting 1010. Try to go into a custom / botgame and reach 80/90 cs at 10 minutes consistently , this is very very very important, you need to get as much EXP and CS as possible so you can solo win the game as Yorick with your split push. This way, by the tenth minute of the game, you will have approximately 70-80 CS. HeroicVictorMackerel • 7 yr. UltraCookie 10 years ago #7. This is the gold standard number for perfect CS and is what high ELO streamers and professional players aim for when playing themselves. ILLEGAL 65% WR GRANDMASTER KOREA VLAD GUIDE PLUS AMA Well hello there wonderful people. In the first 4 minutes, you cant have 40 cs from only lane minions. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of your champion in different matchups. Even the pro players don't look at this as perfect because it simply isn't attainable, so don't beat yourself up over perfection. This is also true, but will only be off by about a wave. 6 per minute, but this is extremely difficult to achieve in most games. At 20 minutes 150 should be easy, 200 should be doable, 250 might be hard (just farm wraiths/wolves when you can), and 300 needs you to be Froggen. Why 5 minutes? Because it's most difficult to CS in the early game, and because it's easy to fit the practice around other things. For example, assassins will have lower CSPM. You should be aiming to keep your cs score at something between 4-6 a minute. 35 @ 5. 20 = 200. So, every 90 seconds, assuming perfect CS, you're getting 390 gold, or 43. However, if. Baltaz 12 years ago #4. Even in pro games where an adc, mid or top has perfect lane assignment (don't let waves get lost to towers) and nothing happens so they are free to just farm, they barely cross 10 cs/m. If you do this with an early blue, and start taking both wraith camps at 4 minutes, this is 356 cs by 20 if you miss none and don't break the rotation (highly unlikely. What's the idea cs at 10/20 minutes for the average mid laner. There's no recommended cs, because it's too dependent on the circumstances. In order to match perfect cs income, you'd have to get about 11 kills in the first ten minutes, in addition to maintaining that 40 cs. How do pro players pull off perfect (>3 missed cs) cheater recalls? First, a cheater generally refers to a 2 wave slow push on the 3rd wave. 3/minute) 172 cs in ~27 minutes as Akali. Yeah, agreed - 10 cs per minute is definitely if you're good at it and if you're having a leisurely time farming and not getting harassed or ganked, but as of lately I believe the "formula" for CS is 10 x minutes (in 10s) - 30. [S] No misses [A] 1-2 misses [B] 3-4 misses. saw a tip that in super low elo, just fuck the perfect cs and. 8. Games are so frantic and volatile that you can never really get perfect CS worrying about skirmishes and. I know perfect CS is 100 at 10 minutes, but how often do people actually hit that? I know it's possible, I've done it before… With 100 Hex scraps you need either 10 minutes of perfect cs, or 7-8 minutes AND either a massive skill gap on something immobile enough to gift you a kill, or for your jungler to both pick someone with hard cc AND camp your lane so they get the kill their second gank because the enemy will escape the first one with flash if they're reasonably. ago. Normally in my last-hitting practices I get…For the first 15 minutes, one spawns every three waves. What would be perfect CS at 10 minutes? First and foremost, to get around 120 CS at 10 minutes (which is considered ‘perfect’) is not something most players if any hope to achieve in a real game. Additional comment actions. Reply. 10 cs a minute by 20 minutes is exceptionally excellent farm. That is 6 minions and 6 + 1 cannon every 3rd wave (first 15 minutes). ). I always hate when people tell bronzes/silvers/golds to cs better, because that's not the answer. 80 at 10 is actually really good for someone who isn't 30 yet. Laning phases are different and there are different variables that can affect your farm. For example, you took a bad trade and you're 25% health and the enemy is 60% health. 33cs * (60s / 30s) = 12. You need to be able to hit the perfect CS at 10 minutes every time in practice tool. Trade top tier 1 for a dragon or some kills so you can roam more. As much as 120 minion kills at about 10 minutes sounds great, to achieve this you can't really leave lane - meaning you aren't able to buy items, giving your opponent the advantage in lane because they will have more stats than you from buying items. CryptoBusiness, Economics, and Finance. your cs@10 is a bit bad but your cs by 20 is fine. Scan this QR code to download the app now. . Be decisive in your actions Trofeo Red Bull Player OneSo if you were to go into demo-hero, and you added no enemies, how many cs should you get in 10 mins. Maximum CS in the First 10 Minutes? If you manage to last hit 80 to a 100 minions in the first 10 minutes of the game, you should be in safe waters. CryptoNow this is probably the most important section of the entire guide. it's not about perfect cs two GIGACHAD tanks having staring contest every game. Now it's obviously situational. Do you have the near-perfect style like Faker? Play Style . Ideal is 82 cs in 10 min. (7. Know the ideal CS scores per minute benchmarks. Aim for perfect cs at 4-7 minutes and restart at that time. Remember though, if you're playing a roaming champion or are playing against a control Mage etc then it's fine to be 10-20cs behind when you're running about trying to make things happen. On every third wave up until 20. Then you can work on kiting. Every wave they leave 150 gold on the table. no spells. Per wiki, first 15 minutes spawns a creep wave every 30 seconds starting at 1:05, with every 3rd being a cannon wave. Low Elo. The ideal CS per minute score is 10. If the game is short, I'm gonna be around 7 cs/min. This guide will cover the question of how much is perfect CS. So, having 10 CS per minute or. Go into a custom game, no bots just you. Having in mind that 10 is perfect and is what good players aim for. You can just set up a game where you lane 1v1 against an easy bot and just practice cs. You understand so much its almost hard to argue with you (not that I actually will need to…HaHa). Sometimes your goal is to just survive and get as much cs as possible, not 100 percent. I did that every day until I was able to reach near perfect CS at 10 minutes without shoving the lane. I think most of it is due to the fact that i only used to jungle and now have been getting into laning. CS for 5-10 minutes while trying to only last hit with auto attacks. 8 and a half minutes of CSing 6 CS per wave 2 waves a minute = 102 CS at ten minutes. What is perfect Cs? First and foremost, to get around 120 CS at 10 minutes (which is considered ‘perfect’) is not something most players if any hope to achieve in a real game. At this elo bracket if you manage to get 7 cs/min you will roflstomp even 1 vs 2 at a certain point. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Business, Economics, and Finance. This is farming last hits. Most of the time 350 at 40. Even the pro players don't look at this as perfect because it simply isn't attainable, so don't beat yourself up over perfection. Business, Economics, and Finance. Assuming xPeke managed too perfectly last hit every creep in his lane only, he would need another 34 CS to be able to hit 300 CS. HeroicVictorMackerel • 7 yr. The optimal cs’ing numbers are generaly seen as 10 cs per minute, with the exception of 10 minutes, where 90 cs is considered optimal (due to minions only spawning at 01:30). What is a perfect CS at 10 minutes? First and foremost, to get around 120 CS at 10 minutes (which is considered 'perfect') is not something most players if any hope to achieve in a real game. 9-10+ CPM is achievable by high elo players only. Then those of you who have just started learning all the tricks of wave management from the ground. Shiny, crackl. Think of it this way. 4. Noteable examples: Vi, Xin, Rengar. One of if not the most important things you can do in the early game is get close to that near-perfect CS. Learning how to CS under turret, at level 2: caster minions require 1 auto -> 1 turret shot -> 1 auto. And I didn't even mention that your farming buddy is basically doubling your lane's income by killing the creeps. Imo only CS at 10 mins can be generalized for most heroes as most pos 1 and 2 would be exclusively farming for first 10 mins and very few have ability to flash farm during this. If you only have 50 CS at 10 minutes but your lane opponent has just 20, you're doing fine (assuming no one else on the other team is farming much better). So perfect cs is 6. My results: 93 cs in 10 minutes. 6 CS per minute, which in most if not all games, is simply not attainable (Even Pros don’t have this CS!). Ideally you either repeat the whole sequence several times, or each step several times. Another thing you can do is go into a custom game and do some training. I love playing AD carries with support bot and I usually aim at around ~70-80 at 10 minutes. For the next 5 minutes, Syndra has nearly uncontested CS, allowing her to soak up experience and gold while Zed looks for kills in other lanes. In higher ranks, players typically want to be closer to 10 CS/min, if possible. Perfect example is last night I focused solely on trying to have good farm while playing Anivia vs Sylas. 291 likes, 29 comments - dee_and_sweets on May 9, 2023: "*Recipe below* Chocolate Truffle Cookies with Crackly Crust. I am only calling it average because other heroes carries with good wave clear can go higher. Imo only CS at 10 mins can be generalized for most heroes as most pos 1 and 2 would be exclusively farming for first 10 mins and very few have ability to flash farm during this time. 80+ cs at the 10 minute mark is just fine. 5 cs/min Platinum: 7 cs/min Diamond: 8 cs/min. The funny thing is a cannon minion costs only just about 2 usual minions but people don't care as much for loosing 2 usual minions as they do for losing a cannon. The adc role generally, revolves around your support. Caster minions. Practice 15-20 minutes in a custom with 90 ad, work your way down to no ad items and no runes on your main champ. What are the most ideal amounts of CS for each lane during the laning stage, or before 10 minutes? Typically if i'm running…Spoon in 3 to 4 tablespoons of batter in each section. (6. Lane efficiency is a new statistic that measures how well teams manage minion waves throughout the game, both in terms of maximizing their own farming and preventing their opponents from farming. High level players will almost always be aiming for as close to perfect CS as possible, given normal circumstances (no crazy cheese like 4-man ganking a lane or getting lvl 3 tower-dove by Alistar support, etc; just a fairly normal lane phase), they would usually aim for 70+ CS at 10 minutes regardless of lane kills or deaths and regardless of. Even the pro players don't look at this as perfect because it simply isn't attainable, so don't beat yourself up over perfection. Action packed games will obviously draw your attention away from last hitting. Lower than 50 can be ok if you are being presurred hard, but definitely need more practice if you cant reach 50 with a decent laning stage. . That 75 creep score difference can have a huge impact on your game and. But in different lanes and games you can even end up with 100 farm as an. And later in the game, with more items, csing gets easier. Just wanted to ask, How do you last hit with Nidalee?She very fun to play with and carry with,I am able to beat my lane opponent easily with her but I suck at last hitting with her (50-60 cs in 10 minutes). In diamond games, you can have 50 cs in 10 minutes, and in Silver, you can have 80 cs in 10 minutes. There are 12-13 minions per minute depending on a cannon wave. Set aside time for practicing farming drills in custom games or practice mode. You mean perfect cs is more common in pro cause they won't make plays unless they have information on enemy jungle + mid + top has TP on cd (as an example for bot). 5/m so most of the time 10cs/m is actually just obtained by being on time to waves mid-late and pushing them out and also farming jgl camps. Even the pro players don’t look at this as perfect because it simply isn’t attainable, so don’t beat yourself up over perfection. In the 2020 LEC Summer Split, he averaged a deficit in gold, experience, and CS at 10 minutes against his lane opponents, according to esports statistics site Oracle’s Elixir. ago. The CS numbers between low and high elo players diverge in the mid and late-game, though. If you're harassing and getting kills though, then it's not a big deal if you aren't making that amount of CS by a certain time. 8. At 10 minutes, record your cs. Another intriguing exercise is the 10-Minute CS Challenge. When you feel more confident alternate each wave between hard pushing and last hitting at the last possible moment, eg. Whether it be under tower or out in the lane when multiple minions reach the execution threshold at the exact same time abilities can be helpful. 5 cs/min Platinum: 7 cs/min Diamond: 8 cs/min. 120 CS in minutes 10-20 means either getting every single wave with just a few misses, or missing one wave while getting every other wave perfectly. To set a goal of improving your CS, you need to know that a perfect CS at 10 minutes into the game is generally. Focus on getting good back timers and arriving. So the total amount of laneminions you can get in ~20 minutes is 233 (7x11)+ (26x6) = 233 minions. Get tri, stack frozen heart, randuins, then go kill their squishies. Just practice for a few minutes before you start your first game. A fantastic way to cost yourself last hits is to freeze the wave too close to. You can’t get perfect cs in low elo cause lots of times the enemy laners are so greedy for kills they’ll miss a ton of cs just to poke you out of cs range lolHere's my question: How the hell do pro players / 6k+ players get so many last hits in middle or as safe lane carry? I'm specifically talking about…What is perfect CS? First and foremost, to get around 120 CS at 10 minutes (which is considered ‘perfect’) is not something most players if any hope to achieve in a real game. ago. In laning phase, there is one thing that you should prioritize above all else. Midgame at 20 minutes you should be around 180 - 200 CS (220 after you master CSing and killing jungle camps while support freezes your lane). 107 if you've finished clearing the wave that spawns at 9:30 before the 10 minute mark. Don't buy any items and walk to mid lane. 4/minute). MF is a good champ to cs after a few levels in because of her passive(low base ad tho). Froggen - 300 in 23:10 = 110%. People in lower brackets are only getting ~4cs a minute. As much as 120 minion kills at about 10 minutes sounds great, to achieve this you can't really leave lane - meaning you aren't able to buy items, giving your opponent the advantage in lane because they will have more stats than you from buying items. The LeagueMath. You need to cs better; unless you play jungle, in which case you need to gank more. Familiarizing yourself with these specific concepts is the most effective way to increase your CS averages. CS for 5-10 minutes while trying to only last hit with auto attacks. In reality the way they were able to get 7 or 8 cs a minute was taking enemy jungle camps when way ahead and being alive to continue to cs and those situations often mean you are on the way to winning. Practice tool and try to get as much cs at 10 minutes as possible, then reset and try again. As example, pros have zero problem getting ~perfect CS despite building Tear/Sheen first items, so there is no penalty to their PVE for doing this. Perfect CS from minions is more like 10. It’s from patch 5. 3) When the clock hits exactly 10 minutes, he has 90 cs. To put it.